Friday 30 September 2016

Tips on getting started with 3D Modeling - outsource 3D modeling - 3D model outsourcing

Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.


Are you a budding or experienced designer thinking of getting into 3D Modeling space? Not sure how long will it take for you to create your first 3D model or thinking what you should do first while sitting in front of the blank screen of 3D software? As an expert in 3D Modeling space with more than a decade of experience we are here to share some tips for the budding designers intending to get into 3D modeling.
Firstly if you are wondering whether to get into this crowded space or not; let’s be very clear that 3D modeling is here to stay and the demand for 3D modelers is only going to go vertically up. To give you an indication today more than 70% of catalogue images in IKEA catalogue are 3D images & done using 3D software. Oculus Rift is been bought by Facebook for billions of dollars, an industry trend which in itself shall present numerous opportunities for 3D Modelers in virtual reality space. We all agree that virtual reality is going to have a much larger impact on people’s lives every day soon. Number of areas where 3D is getting involved is increasing exponentially right from development of films, virtual reality, R&D, Architectural, Interior, Industrial designs and many more; we strongly believe world need 3D modelers.


Talking about the initiating doubt that beginners express – is there a pre-requisite to get into 3D Modeling? As experts we say if someone is passionate to work on computers and specifically on design software for long hours, passionate to give shapes to his/her thoughts in virtual world and most importantly able to imagine shapes & forms is 3D space, technicalities of designs, software and tools could learnt and implemented with an ease.
Once you are all set mentally to get into 3D modeling space, we strongly recommend to select your beginners software as most computers do not come pre-installed with any 3D modeling software.
Thought today for competition 3D software is starting to matter less & less as far as what you choose. We have experienced drastic upgrades & modifications in 3D software tools during recent years and can comment that at this point all the main software packages are so close to being on the same level that it really doesn’t matter which software one choose to start with. One can select to start with either Blander or 3DsMax or Maya all the three are quite capable of advancing one to the next level with an ease.
The next most critical question one asks is where to start or how to get started with a particular tool in place. We strongly recommend for beginners search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing would be the best place to search for beginners guide to a particular selected tool also these days as most of the experts share their learning and experiences via YouTube this video streaming platform become a vital tool to get started or learn tools and techniques to create one’s first 3D Model. Also if you decide to go with Blander as your first beginner software there are numerous free learner guides available online as Blander is been built by a community and is an open source free software.


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Wednesday 28 September 2016

Difference between Modeling for Games and Modeling for Movies - 3d model Outsourcing - Outsource 3d modeling

Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.


Let it be 3DsMax or Maya, 3D designers and modelers primarily use most of the same tools and techniques to achieve a stunning piece of work. Having said that, no matter if the tools and techniques remain same in both modeling for movies and modeling for games still the process followed differ a lot and so are the limitations. With more than a decade of experience in Designs industry and having worked for numerous modeling assignments, here we would like to share some of the critical pointers out of our experience.

Designers get an open hand when it comes to the polygon budget for development of movies as compared to the polygon budget limitation in game development process. Let it be an animated movie like ‘How to train your Dragon’ or ‘Finding Nemo’ or a live action film with integrated computer graphics like ‘Pacific Rim’, there’s no limit on the amount of polygons in any given model. The only constraint designer of movie modeling face is the limitation of time. Like any other production house movie production also follows a deadline which technically means designers need to produce stunning looking models on time as the result designers for movies get freehand to use range of polygons to get the model look striking on screen.


The luxury of frames getting pre-rendered in movies is a big limitation for Games even today. Games are limited by the power of the game engine and the hardware it’s being played on. Despite of Hardware advancements with gaming consoles like Xbox One and PS4 still the processing capabilities can’t be compared with movies and game designers still face limitation of polygon budgets. The games are rendered in real-time right in front of the player hence to get the game running at a constant frame rate and maintaining it throughout the gameplay the 3D models must be created by the 3D modelers / designers at a level that’s not taxing on the game engine. There could be thousands of visual models getting rendered real time on screen as the player play their game.

One of the promising guiding principles we follow in our studio for Game modeling is to present details via textures. Since the polygon budget for Game modeling remains low our designer rely heavily on textures to present model details, which in turn goes with an ease in real time rendering environment; but a word of caution to budding designers – very critical point to remember while using texture to represent details is that one needs to learn details of texturing process along with properly laying out the UVs for a model before taking up a game modeling assignment.


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Monday 26 September 2016

Difference Between Sculpturing & Modeling - 3D Modeling - Outsource 3D Modeling

Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.

Right from the inception of 3D Modeling and Sculpturing or we can say launch of 3DMax and ZBrush we have been hearing about difference between Sculpture or Sculpturing and Model or Modeling. As an industry leaders with more than a decade of experience in designing more than a million designs on numerous platforms we very confidently say that though these concepts seems to overlap but there exist a line of difference between the two.

Let’s start with the basic definition of two in Designs industry. Digital sculpting also known as 3D sculpting could be defined as application of a designing software which offer tools to push, pull, smooth, grab, pinch or otherwise manipulate a digital object as it were made of a real-time material such as clay; on the other hand 3D modeling or three-dimensional modeling is the process of developing a mathematical representation of any 3D surface of an object.


Also we classify sculpting as the process of undertaking a low detail or detail free model and mucking around with subjected low detailed model as if it were a clay model, cleansing details iteration after iteration until one gets those obscenely detailed forms on the other hand we classify Modeling a lot more depended on the base structure (though base structure is important to both but is more immediately obvious in modeling as compared to sculpting), Technically Modeling comes down to individual polygons and the way they interact with each other; we suggest readers of this post to check for themselves, topology thread in the organic section.

As experts in designs industry we strongly suggest young and budding designers to prefer going with Modeling techniques over Sculpting if given a choice; Though it may look daunting and challenging in the beginning, also one may not be able to notice quick benefits but it certainly adds a radical value by understanding proper structure and topology of the model as compared with working on details on a hollow structure. We consider adding high details to a low poly-model as invaluable overall.


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Thursday 22 September 2016

Elements of Composition - Outsource 3D Modeling - 3D model Outsourcing

Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.


Composition in graphic design, photography, sculpture or any other design work is referred to or better understood as the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art. Elements help in giving structure to the layout of the art work and describe the way the subject is visualised & presented by the artist / designer. They also encourage the viewer to look at the art work in totality and still be focused on the subject (focal point). With our more than a decade of experience in Designs industry, we list some of the designs elements which we consider as most important for any composition.
Focus: The most critical element of any composition is Focus, Subject or the Focal point. It could be looked upon as the seed of inspiration or the framework around with the entire composition revolves.


Symmetry: Symmetry gives any design a sense of balance, a sense of “Feel right” factor. A balanced and symmetrical arrangement of visual ingredients adds to the sense of calm and peace whereas asymmetrical or skewed arrangement of visual ingredients creates more dynamic feeling; a composition which is not balanced creates a sense of unease which many a times is not appreciated by viewers, until it represents a negative subject in itself.
Sense of Belonging: In any composition, designer has to make sure the visual ingredients in the design should express sense of belonging so as to make the entire composition united represents the unique focused subject.
Movement: To make sure viewers are able to view an artwork the way Artist or Designer wants them to they have to lead sense of movement for viewers to follow while viewing their composition. As per our experience there are some of the promising ways to give this sense of movement in an art work such as the arrangement of objects, the flow of river or waves on the beach, the position of figures or simply using leading lines such as the lines of fence or rail or road or implied lines such as row of mountains & hills, curve of stones etc.

Pattern & Proportion: Regular repetition of some pattern like lines or shapes or even colors add great value in a composition also we have observed that a balanced or symmetrical composition consist of proportionate visual elements that fit together and can relate to each other in terms of scale, distance and size.


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