Tuesday 28 March 2017


C-DESIGN LEADING COMPANY FOR CREATIVE OUTSOURCING OVER 10 YEARS,COMPANY PROVIDES OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  2d artworks,creative designillustration works,illustration services3d modeling3d printing models,3d printing,animation works,animation services,rendering services,cad services,cad works in India.


While making video animations, animators go for many phases like sketch animation, stop motion animation and computer animation. Animators go for 2d and 3d techniques to make out final end result.

2D animation: It is like traditional animation that existed many years before. Either created by hand or computer and required one image followed by another in slightly different position , and followed by yet another image by different position and so on and on. Earlier they were created by hand. But later on with help of computers, image creation and manipulation can be easily worked out. They have flat images movement and they are represented in height and weight dimensions. In earlier times, artist drew sketches with help of pencils where  every frame get transferred in full colour onto cells .Each cell was throughout drawn and painted and then photograph against background image in order to create films frames. Nowadays animation is created through 2d animation software. Even if they are handmade, still often colourised and transferred to the cells using computers.

3D Animation is totally different from 2d both in process and end results. They produce more realistic images and are represented in three dimensions like height, weight and depth. Main features of 3d animations is that they create more realistic textures and lifelike images and once created 3d animation can be treated much like a physical object or an actor. In 3d animation lighting source and camera angle can be changed but in 2d all this is possible only difficult to change a scene during editing process. And in 2D and stop motion you can settle for a drawing every 3-5 frames or even not have it move at all for a few seconds, in 3D we always have to keep the character moving.


Monday 27 March 2017


Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.


In order to reach target audiences, you need to reach,engage and attract theme so it’s all up to you how well you design your infograph. One should never overlook at minute details like colour,font, composition etc.Reaching your target audiences is never so easy job .All you need to have right team and solid practises which start with info graphic design and end with its distribution. In order to attract your target audiences all you need is strong presence in the right places.

Know all aspects about designing
Before starting your infographic design, firstly decide about for whom you are designing? Who are your clients? About their tastes andexpectation. Are they allergic for any specific colorsetc. Ask for client’s feedback about your infographic .Then you decide about any changes required in your infogarphic taking into consideration about clients products.

Understand your spaces
People often forget the concept of consistent spacing as grids and baselines ensure that viewer’s eye has an opportunity to look at, adore and internalize each component of infographic

Have clear hierarchy
Be elusive by remembering that changes in font size, weight, color, letter case, and other decorations can help differentiate content and make elements stand out. Try to remember your goal is to help the reader determine headers, body copy, and captions.


Pick data visualization appropriately
Bar charts or pie chart or any other data visualization techniques makes a lot of sense and if they are demonstrated effectively with the help of accurate statistics.

Choose appropriate colours
Choose colour palette wisely so that you can see text against that background .Use patterns and charts so effectively that it should look interesting along with that effective as well .If you have trouble reading or deciphering anything in the design phase, then it’s safe to assume your readers will have a difficult time getting through it. Ignoring these design elements early on only causes you trouble and more work for yourself down the road.

Break your infographic into smaller images. Also optimize your infographic landing page for sharing. Do share the graphic with publications. Look for publications that post content similar to the infographic you’ve created and then reach out to journalists who’ve written on the topics or the site’s general information address. Offering these publications editorial content can provide them with valuable visual assets to use in their posts, which creates greater visibility. Try to position your infographic that way and keep friendly professional relationship for long time.


Outsource 3d modeling for more visit http://www.outsource3dmodeling.com

Monday 20 March 2017


Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.


Teaching is big profession and    they perform difficult task for imparting education for those kids who are impatient,inattentive and dreamy.Most of students pay less attention even for short duration. The ultimate loss is, they will be not able to recall the information, and their learning will be impaired.Human being is not designed for lots of information for long hours.And this is the reason traditional classroom teachers are in constant battle to make them more attentive. But the tools and methods they are implementing are wrong in today’s scenario. Info graphic means visual like graphs, charts, tables, and icons, and thus break complex data in an easy-to-understand dynamic stories.As human being are visual creatures and half of the brain is dedicated to visual functions.Thus it is striking that our brain process images 60,000 times quicker than it processes text.

Visual literacy is exclusive way of transmission information through graphs,chart tables which is easy way of examination that leads to deeper thinking and richer engagement amongst the viewers. This creation of meeting is one of the prime aims of teachers and educationists. With the help of infographic, educator can broaden visual literacy power of student .Info graphic are not only powerful tool for teaching but also massive source of entertainment and fun. Business analyst, marketing group uses info graphic in their field for visualisation of complex information in easy digest able format.in schools for deeper scientific learning process info graphics should be inculcated into schools so that students learn essential skills and their visual skills can be improved upon.


Best way of inculcating infograhics in class room is to discuss among students and teachers can show them info graphics with help of drawings, nice and vibrant colors, graphs, charts, tables, etc.Teachers should spend some quality time with students for getting samples online and thus students can get idea about what extent infographic is versatile. Also teachers can perform task for asking few questions to students like asking them meaning and explain infographic topic. Asking students about actual purpose of infographic .Also now a day’s kindergarten teachers ask kids about infographic in playful tone, asking kids to recognise about color, or image shown, and what do they see on infographicetc.


Outsource 3d modeling for more visit http://www.outsource3dmodeling.com

Monday 13 March 2017


Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.


When comes matter of your pet modeling you  tend to become more cautious as pet are most loving and tiny members in our family and having photography with them is itself very fun part. But there are some important tips which we need to take care of like

Hire agencies:– having agency which can help in shooting pet as model ,will definitely  increase pet shot at stardom. For that agency should be reached for it

Use light naturally – Do photo-shoot of your pet in natural lightening .Never use flash as it not only causes red eye but also can make your pet totally scared

Keep focus on eye:-Make your pets’ eye sharp as their eyes are very much expressive and speaks on their own. So keep sharp eye which is important in portrait photography.

Keep respect to their character-You know your pet much better as compare to others and revealing their true side is very much important. Those photographs can be considered as successful those reveal their characters of its subject. for e.g. if your pet love picking up ball, try to catch him in action performing his favourites trick.


Be patient:-Try to have photography keep yourself in total patience. That will increase your opportunity of getting decent shot.

Schedule your session: – If you are looking for dynamic shot, look when your pet in most energetic mood ,While when your pet is in lazy mood or sleepy mood try to have long stretched portrait shots. And if your pet is sick, postpone his photo-shoot

Surprise your pet– Most difficult aspects comes when you want to keep your pet still which is impossible .Let someone plays a whistle or call him that way it will be surprise for him and then try to catch his natural shots while playing. Put on that long lens and fill the frame with your pet’s face and fur, close up shots often make beautiful animal portrait.

Reach them– Pet model photo shoot will be considered as good enough when we try to go near and get them clicked without forcing. Let have pet modeling and sit on the floor or lie on your belly and remember to shoot from his eye level or below.


Outsource 3d modeling for more visit http://www.outsource3dmodeling.com

Tuesday 7 March 2017


Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.


Sometimes due to time crunch, creativity takes a backseat and inspired designs become the easy way out to quench the taste buds of customers. Graphic designing is a field where you will find the perfect combination of technology and creativity. Whenever we are starting any art or design or any new project,we always tend to get struck into it.But we should not feel bad about it but instead of that kick start our brain and should try to get ideas flowing in our mind with free manner.
Timings matter
Researchers have found out that late morning is best suitable for any new project or new design.Also believed start of week is also many times not consider as ideal for creative ideas as people are just back from their weekend break.
Get inspiration
As a designer, you need to be aware about what happening in design field,also be well informed about what’s happening outside the field.E.g. if you are making new 3d design you should be start taking inspiration from others 3d design.Instead try to be creative on your own
Question yourself
As designer you should always be in questioning mode to yourself like is this proper solution? Generally the mode of questioning yourself tends to help a lot in generating new ideas.You need to be as objective about your own subjectivity as you can.
Give full disclosure
You should definitely disclose all important information to your team members if they are actively involved in your creative ideas generation.be transparent with others and try to disclose all information as much as possible.


Go physical with stuffs you posses
many a times designs exist on a computer and you can start to feel like it’s not a physical experience so as designer try to use paints, brushes, paperboard and scalpels manually also.
Play word game
When you start playing word games, essence those words that summarise the spirit, personality and message you want to put across, even if they seem crazy. A day or two later you might find that something vibrates with new ideas in your mind.
Go for break
When you take a break then new ideas get sink in our mind and now a days there are many new mobile application which can help in synchronising new ideas and allowing them to arrange in proper way.
Unconsciously meet
Generally people meet and try to bring in notebook for generating new ideas.But in general catch ups too you can unconsciously derive ideas and work upon it.
Go for travelling: Creativity is enriched when you travel a lot because, when you move from one country to the other or even moving from one place to another, it will make you observer of the cultural changes that are part of the society.


Outsource 3d modeling for more visit http://www.outsource3dmodeling.com