Tuesday 27 March 2018


LEADING OUTSOURCE 3D MODELING COMPANY C-DESIGN PROVIDES OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  2d artworks,creative designillustration works,illustration services3d modeling3d printing models,3d printing,animation works,animation services,rendering services,cad services,cad works in India

Pop art started in the early 1990s in Great Britain and later in America 90’s which was an era of consumer boon, products were advertised and mass marketed. The first art movements happened as the reaction against abstract expressionism .such art focuses on famous culture and the mass media which reflects current values of society and culture.
Pop art is always influenced by 2d art but get forms up as 3d dimensional objects.These artist blurred fine art and commercial art and always gave value to common objects. The main characteristic of this art are bright colors, clear lines, Celebrity images or fictional images, flat imaginary influenced from comic books or newspapers. American pop art was majorly affected by technology and culture as its main themes while English artists were mostly interested in ideas behind the movement. People like Roy Lichtenstein proved that art can be formed from even ordinary objects. In today’s world pop art becomes so popular that its iconic styles can be seen in product packaging and advertising

Following are its main characteristic:
Use of colours in different combinations
In the times of pop art, we found there is the use of bold, bright and beautiful colours on an experimental basis. An even famous artist named Warhol used vibrant colours in their pop art with lots of eye-catching and attractive combinations. Such shades were also present in modern advertising and popular culture.

Add lots of satire and irony to it
To add humour in such art is a key essential feature of this pop art. One can recreate anything around him and poke fun at them. Look around the world and one can find endless developments and fashions to make fun of them in a humorous way. This art uses timeless styles in modern ways and makes subject matter from the on-going events around you with lots of irony and satire blended with it.

Use original context by removing the subject from it
One of the important features of the pop artist is removing of popular culture from their original context while using them in their work. They add their own commentary or humorous twisted jokes on those work or some social dialogues in their final work.

One of the famous artist named Robert Rauschenberg made many collages made up of famous culture references and mixture of various artefacts and people who were relevant at that time. Thereby created a single masterpiece by multiplying different mediums into it.

Make sound inspiration from daily life
The subject of the artwork must be inspired from day to day activities whether its TV shows, movie. Trends, products or even person.This is the key factor in the pop art movement. One of the main ideas which we understand from this art is to show that fine art can be easily created from ordinary things.

At C- Design we have best finishing materials which are quite sustainable and eco-friendly with the help of our art consultation team. Our experience helps us to shape brands, expand user experience and connect our users with efficient and effective products and services. We design pop arts based on concepts, ideas, or expressions for advertising materials, consumer goods, books, and newspapers.

Outsource 3d modeling for more visit http://www.outsource3dmodeling.com

Thursday 22 March 2018


LEADING OUTSOURCE 3D MODELING COMPANY C-DESIGN PROVIDES OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  2d artworks,creative designillustration works,illustration services3d modeling3d printing models,3d printing,animation works,animation services,rendering services,cad services,cad works in India


According to researchers, it has been proved that our mind process 80%of what it visualizes and process text much faster. A study has analyzed that we remember only 20% of what we read. Also, traffic increases rapidly around 20% when we add infographics stuffs to the respective contents. These contents have to be either educational or entertaining so that targeted audiences get useful information in your field and customers will remember you for a longer span of time.

Analyze your data

While processing data it’s very much important to showcase all essential information which is hiding inside of all text and then to present them logically in front of audiences. Viewers love content part of infographics as they get more attracted to those images which consist of information instead of simple page decoration.

Understand and verify your data

Always verify your data and its accuracy level before going into infographic level. It’s always advisable to showcase or demonstrate only relevant and accurate data instead of displaying inaccurate information.

Make a skeleton of your work

Always make sure to create wireframe of your work before you start designing process. Deciding well before designing begins, saves lots of time and reduces anxiety level. Such wireframe of the storyline (Deciding about text and images) will make work to flow in easy and smooth manner.

Be creative in every possible way

Don’t be so open in showing your information. Belittle deceptive in disclosing data’s with a hand of creativity dipped into it. Use formats in forms of charts, flowcharts, maps, pie charts etc according to the requirements of the data. Also, go with the story flow and design your infographics accordingly. That’s why wireframe of the storyline is as important as it reflects all possible contents required in order describe it in a logical manner

Think differently

Always think out of the box and make sure to make infographics so creative and unique with the help of charts, graphics, icons, illustration as it will add more interest in the mind of the targeted audiences.Try to add in your infographics with a separate layer and never mix them together.Always supplements chart with certain essential texts.
Make sure to give audiences a sense of relief by giving them some leftover spaces or white space.They should not feel exhausted or bored with hotchpotch information.Be clear and organized in your infographic style as it must give a free and interesting look to audiences instead of making them overwhelmed with the data or cramped with the information.

Selection of proper colour combination

One of the thumb rule while deciding about colour is all about striking with a three-color is the golden rule.Never add bright neon colour palate to your infographics work as it may cause stress to the eyes of the audiences.You can add shades or tints for those colour schemes but make sure it works well with the white background as many social sites have this type of background.

Outsource 3d modeling for more visit http://www.outsource3dmodeling.com

Tuesday 13 March 2018


LEADING OUTSOURCE 3D MODELING COMPANY C-DESIGN PROVIDES OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  2d artworks,creative designillustration works,illustration services3d modeling3d printing models,3d printing,animation works,animation services,rendering services,cad services,cad works in India


Always go for shorter video- It’s always advisable to go for shorter video explainers instead of longer ones as researchers have proved that duration of videos decides about interest levels among audiences. It has proved that only those videos which are less than 1 minute tend to attract and retain more audiences as compared to those which are of long duration.

Make it clear and precise
Video explainers should always be scripted with clear and straight away directly pointing to the focused goal. Business ideas should be made directly clear to the audiences so that they don’t get bored because of lengthy and unfocused video explainers. Also many times it becomes an utter mess when all details about the company are shared through single minute videos. Only include that stuff about products or services which are most relevant and highly important for targeted audiences. Don’t worry about explaining all details about the products or services in one go.Those customers who are genuinely interested in your products or services will bind to come back for further discussions.

Understand audiences and their interest areas
It’s highly advisable to initially understand audiences and their interest fields so that your products or services provide solution to audiences through such video explainer. This will help audiences in building a trustworthy relationship with your products or services. Only those videos which talk about their own brands and their achievements end up in losing customers interest levels.Only when there is an association between the brand and its related solution then it helps in increasing customer strength .And thereby making their long lasting relationship with respective services or products of your company.

Basic script structure is always based on 2WS and how
Video explainer videos should be based on 2ws- why, what and how
What- What is one of the prime targeted question which helps in engaging audiences. ‘What’describes problem of audiences which gets solved after watching your animated videos
Why –There are many players in the markets. But why your services are far superior from those gets solved in this section. Why your customers should choose you instead of others.
How- This is also one of the important parts of video explainer which shows one’s customers problem gets detected then how will show the solution path to this which can be explained simply and directly.And thus this helps in gaining audience’s attention .So don’t use overrated high-end informative explainers which ends up making audiences bored and annoyed.

The final step is all about making customers aware of a further procedure like a call to action.there should never be numerous call to action as this may make audiences inattentive and baffled.Instead, go for a clear call to action either sharing videos on social sites or downloading e-books.
At C-Design we don’t do run-of-the-mill work but instead of this brings out amazing and unique video explainer with a touch of eloquent visual appeal.
  • Budget friendly video-We value our customer and that’s why make video explainer as budget friendly and worthy as well.
  • Committed towards deadlines- We believe the deadline is most important for any type of project. We have are good at meeting deadlines. At C-Design delivering the work on the given time is what we consider as our priority. And that’s why we are one of the premium video explainer company.
  • 100% custom art-We understand that custom art gives professional look to your video explainer. So we work on making customised characters according to clients requirements within a limited frame of time.

Outsource 3d modeling for more visit http://www.outsource3dmodeling.com

Tuesday 6 March 2018


LEADING OUTSOURCE 3D MODELING COMPANY C-DESIGN PROVIDES OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  2d artworks,creative designillustration works,illustration services3d modeling3d printing models,3d printing,animation works,animation services,rendering services,cad services,cad works in India

3D Modeling

3D modeling software include program so as to intend basic 3D models of matter or characters, and frequently include supplemental features to flesh out model with practical details. 3D modeling crop can create models with a diversity of approaches and tools, and frequently include 3D painting skin to add textures and color. These programs be worn by industries counting television and motion picture, video game, marketing, and practical reality, and several products in this class offer the best 3D modeling software for basic who are new to this type of software. following they are created with 3D modeling software, the models can be agreed simulated life using 3D rendering and 3D animation tools. Graphic designers canister use crude 3D models lacking depiction for visual use on websites and media stills. Tools with 3D capabilities, which are exclusively for building design and architecture, civil engineering design, or additional CAD-related functions, are not built-in in the 3D Modeling group.

To succeed for inclusion in the 3D Modeling group, a produce must:
  • give tools for construct and modifying 3D graphic models
  • allocate users to store and export finished models
  • Not be specially created for building design and architecture, civil engineering design, or CAD

3D Modeling Software Grid Overview

The finest 3D Modeling Software yield are gritty by customer approval and scale  and placed into four category on the Grid
  • Products in the Leader quadrant are rated highly by G2 Crowd users and have substantial Market Presence scores. influential include: Cinema 4D, 3ds Max Design, Blender, Maya, Mud box, Modo and ZBrush
  • High Performers are highly rated by their users, but have not yet achieve the market share and scale of the Leaders. High performer include: 3D Coat
  • Contenders have important Market Presence and capital, but have received below average user approval ratings or have not yet established a sufficient number of review to legalize the resolution. Contenders include: Fuse
  • Niche solution do not have the Market attendance of the Leaders. They may contain been rated absolutely on customer Satisfaction, but contain not yet established enough reviews to legalize them. Niche harvest include: Poser, ,Sculptris , Houdini, LightWave 3D, and Substance stylish.

Outsource 3d modeling for more visit http://www.outsource3dmodeling.com