Wednesday 30 May 2018


LEADING OUTSOURCE 3D MODELING COMPANY C-DESIGN PROVIDES OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  2d artworks,creative designillustration works,illustration services3d modeling3d printing models,3d printing,animation works,animation services,rendering services,cad services,cad works in India


Traditionally the word millwork means made in a mill. Millwork items like an interior door, door frames, chair rails, wood panelling and base trim etc. are all cut and formed from raw lumber in the sawmill. Thus this way millwork detailing gets created. Nowadays there is the big fashion of using two different wood species and finishes. Earlier there was traditional practice of using the same colour in all millwork instead of using a mixed approach. But now it’s no more, one can make millwork with help of sealant or paint according to client’s requirements. Nowadays custom architectural millwork solutions are of latest trends with help of new technology and materials which makes innovative creations within the space.

Amalgamation of led lighting
Nowadays the use of led lightings is for both task lighting and environmental aspect which has lots of advantageous at par as compared to other luminescent light sources. Major benefits are lower energy consumption, a high span of life, smaller in size etc. But in millwork industry it’s essential to figure out how to mount them and also heat management and current status should be analysed beforehand.

Gives superb impact on workplaces
In today’s world, their lots of demand for HDMI, data communication, AV aspects which gaining lots of momentum in the corporate industry. With the help of architectural mill work, latest technology-driven engineering and wiring needs can be fulfilled which helps in gaining lots of productivity at the workplaces. This makes it possible for corporate to see all the contents of the screen by sitting in the single room. Offices now require high-end technology driven special facilities in their communal area, reception, lobbies, and pantries etc.

Unexpected ways in which millwork can be used
With the help of architectural millwork, it’s now possible to find millwork solutions where technology get utilised in its most innovative way. For e.g., If you want to know that how much time your employees spent in pantry then with the help of architectural millwork one can figure out by placing it under the ceiling using hidden occupancy sensors in the corporate offices.


Also, there is a lot of trends where two colors tones: Walnut and corian can be mixed up and used on counter top or bench top. Also, it can be used in many other appliances as well which gives an overall modern aesthetic look. Lastly, with the rise of client’s expectations and latest technology, it becomes essential to think out of the box for millwork industry. And definitely, planning plays an utmost important role with all involved parties like contractors, clients, architectural team etc.

At C-Design, we have in-house drafting team with truly global outreach. We provide careful attention right from concept to finished products and help our esteemed clients for their custom millwork drawing without sacrificing quality and in the shortest time period. We have extensive experience in AEC industry by using latest technology and software. Details are one of our most important priority factor rights from woodwork installation to final products. Our qualified and trained team provides quality millwork products to

Monday 21 May 2018

PROMO VIDEOS AND STEPS OF CREATING IT - Outsource 3D Modeling - 3D model Outsourcing

LEADING OUTSOURCE 3D MODELING COMPANY C-DESIGN PROVIDES OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  2d artworks,creative designillustration works,illustration services3d modeling3d printing models,3d printing,animation works,animation services,rendering services,cad services,cad works in India


In the making of the promo video, content play a most important role right from making advertisements to sending emails on different platforms like social marketing and other offline marketing mediums. Before making promo videos make sure to identify the basic goal of creating it and be crystal clear in its making. For e.g. if you want to create brand awareness of the newly launched company then your promo video should be based on this theme only. Few main reasons for making promotional videos are
  • Increasing Traffic
  • Increasing sales
  • Educate customers
  • Brand awareness
After deciding about goals then further it’s time to navigate in the right direction like as follows
  • Introduction: Decide on the mission or anything about your company
  • Explanatory: In-depth about your products or services
  • Related to the problem and its suitable solution: Decide on the problem and its older way of solving it. Then introduce newer and improvised way of dealing with it. With the help of story elements like plotting or conflicts to subtly explain it.
  • Let’s audiences take a move: Encourage audiences to take some action in that regards
  • Educate audiences about it: By providing informative details or tutorials, one can inspire audiences using story or humor etc.
  • Testimonial: Introduce quotes, sound bites and interviews etc. related to specific theme or topic.
Decide on the correct theme
The tone which is most important part of any video making must have suitable tone. This tone helps in deciding how audiences will be feeling about promotional videos. For e.g.: whether to make your audiences laugh or get them informed or to share your story. Following are types of tones:-
  • Urgent
  • Dramatic
  • Informative
  • Fun/Playful
  • Conversational
  • Inspirational
  • Cutesy
  • Quirky
  • Luxurious

Set the time duration
Whether your promotional video is of 60 sec, 10 min or 5min.Your promotional video should be based on following parameters
  • Goal- (Brand awareness or clicks)
  • Where your ad will appear -(social media or website etc.)
  • Overall budget-(High, low or medium)
For e.g.- For emotional ads, duration of ads should be roughly for 1 or 2 min but if you want to have holiday ads then the duration of few seconds are sufficient.

Decide on video style
Promo Video styles come in different styles like
  • B-Roll-Additional footage should be provided in background, flashback styles or in action
  • Real People-Those who play roles of characters with or without dialogues
  • Live actions-Real life footage with animation effects or special effects
  • Animated- Usually comes in 2d or 3d format
  • Whiteboards- When messages get displayed with help of hidden hand holding the marker and writing it in different forms like visuals, text, or about creating drawings.
Framing out the basic idea
Its all about deciding about characters- How they will be looking, number of characters, and their related storyline
  • Scenes-Different types of scenes will be used and additional locations required for it
  • Product- Number of times product will be seen in the ad and how it’s going to fit within the storyline. And additional props, if required, can be edited in the promotional video.
The final way of making a promotional video is all about writing the script. In this phase, it’s quite important to frame out about the script-
  • Scenes 1st,2nd and 3rd
  • Dialogues, audio, and voice over
  • List of characters, location, special props, or types of movement
Decide lastly about storyboards
Once you are done with above-mentioned steps, its now important to decide about storyboard with help of artists, designers, and illustrator who can bring those visuals, characters or ideas into life. In this phase, it’s very much essential to match storyboards with script side by side. Storyboards don’t necessarily match exactly like the script but it acts as a guide for further course of action.


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Tuesday 15 May 2018

Ways to improve 3d animation services - Outsource 3D Modeling Design Services

Nowadays we find 3d animation as a buzzing topic which is prevalent everywhere so its essential for an animator to stand out from the crowd and look for improving these skills.
Understand the way people move around u
Yes, this may look odd at the first sight but once you observe them as to how they express or convey their feelings, moves around etc. then it will be great understanding about people and things nearby them. This way such research work will help in knowing people and one can mimic them by observing their movements. Every human being has some purpose in life hence they behave accordingly for e.g. the way we stand or move speaks a thousand words about our personality. Hence it’s essential to observe real-life characters around us which can give us amazing animation ideas about its making.
Taking reference from outside world
It is always essential to find out references for animators through which they can grab actor’s expressions and emote them well in their works. In this age of digitisation, instead of taking selfies or simply browsing through Facebook it’s always essential to record yourself in action. Just getting references from online resources are not that sufficient. Instead of sitting and looking out from external sources, it’s anytime better to emote on your own movements in slow motion. Those motions can be paused, revise or rewind so that all activity can be analysed minutely.
Make a simple rig
Animators working for 3d animations need to understand that they should rely on the rig which is customised according to their requirements. Some rigs which are unprofessional are main reasons for the animator’s work failures. The best rigs are those which help animators to simply pick up characters and with the help of the generic system, 3d animations can give a cutting edge to their characters.
Keep balance in your character
In 3d animation services, time plays a most important role as movements of animations are totally governed by this factor. If animator uses this crucial factor irresponsibly in those animated movements then it’s difficult to predict the possible outcome. Generally, it’s believed that happier movements stay for a quick and short period of time. So when added to cartoons they work really well. But an adequate amount of exaggeration should be added to the animated objects according to characters requirements.

Balance your character on basis of gravity
Just as gravity plays an important role in our lives in the same way it plays in 3d animation also. For e.g. its believed that those having fuller and bulky body tend to have a heavier foot. The same logic applies to those having lighter body masses tend to feel lighter on their feet. Though it looks simple logic, it’s crucial to apply this principle to 3d animated characters too.
Eye is the centre point
While making animated characters, eyes which are most important organ should always be created initially. When we look at the eyes of the character, its being consider as the focal point which controls audience’s mindset. While looking at any characters, their eyes move first then its head and neck which follow them. This will continue till the whole body eventually moves on when the focus was drawn.
At C-Design we provide most reliable and innovative services that leave the audiences speechless. We provide professional breathe into your projects providing our target audiences a proper mixture of realistic texture, detailed modeling, high-quality rendering and compelling lighting effects. With the help of committed and proficient 3d animators and graphic designers, we can provide real touch and experience to our targeted audiences. We are one-stop solution providing a range of digital and multimedia services to our client’s within the stipulated time frame.

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Tuesday 8 May 2018

Important tips about virtual reality - Outsource 3D Modeling - 3D Model Outsourcing

LEADING OUTSOURCE 3D MODELING COMPANY C-DESIGN PROVIDES OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  2d artworks,creative designillustration works,illustration services3d modeling3d printing models,3d printing,animation works,animation services,rendering services,cad services,cad works in India

Tips about virtual reality

Virtual reality means its mixed form of both the words i.e. virtual and reality. Virtual means which is near to us and reality is all about that human’s experiences in their world. So in nutshell, it means near reality or a specific type of reality emulation. Our body is made up of 5 senses and mind which is a powerhouse helps in balancing our senses thereby making a mechanism for that information. But if we provide our mind with made-up information then our perspective changes accordingly. In technical language, it can be described as the 3d computer-generated environment in which human beings can interact and explore it by getting immersed within it and thus can manipulate objects or perform actions with the help of it.
START IT SMALL- Those who are new to this field of virtual reality should start it small instead of creating an entire world at the first shot. Everyone goes small start initially i.e. small size projects.

Try to get knowledge about 3d space-Simulator sickness is also one of the prime factors of Virtual reality so make sure to understand it properly and decide about targeted audiences and then adapt to the experience accordingly as VR could be awesome after experience or awful to someone or in the worst case can even make nauseating.

Understand visual language-VR is considered as the perfect medium where any story or idea can be explained in 1 sec. Also equally important to understand composition and color in particular as images fulfill our mind. So one should polish it and perfectly create VR images so as to stand out from the rest.

Make use of different technologies-VR is a combination of the different fields of audio design, film, games sectors etc. Being a starter, if you are not expert in all these fields but at least have little knowledge of them. This will helps in creating smoothly attractive and engaging this 3d world of virtual reality for your audiences.

Understand audiences mindset-Think about targeted audiences like what would attract them more. For e.g. whether its theatre, game, film and then decide to translate it into VR. After deciding this, think about related technologies, ongoing things which are developed or those in imaginations etc. Also, it’s equally essential and fairly advisable to take ideas or information from the experts in this field who can create VR experiences for different brands or can guide further regarding the future anticipation of this field.

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Thursday 3 May 2018


LEADING OUTSOURCE 3D MODELING COMPANY C-DESIGN PROVIDES OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  2d artworks,creative designillustration works,illustration services3d modeling3d printing models,3d printing,animation works,animation services,rendering services,cad services,cad works in India

Pop art movement started in 1950’s but got its full potential in 1960 in England. This term pop art means popular art wherein artist tried to break the barrier between life and art that technology made in cities. Pop art is the art that ranges from popular culture wherein images comes from advertisement, comic, streets, road signs or anything that artists see around them. These artists tried to show that everything in the world is interconnected.

Another important characteristic of pop art is the use of vivid colors, the Pop artist uses bright colours like blue, yellow, and red as these colours are the first things which people see which generally comes off in comic books. And when people take a closer look, there comes strong idea or message behind them.

Pop art which gets originated from England in the 1950’s made commentary on contemporary society and culture. The main subjects these artists focused on are comic strips, celebrities, product packaging and advertising. Images were created which are made on these subjects with the combination of humor, irony, and criticism after redesigning them in the art world.Pop art that precede postmodern art is said to have decrease gap between “high” and “low art”.

The main materials used for pop art were acrylic, polyester and form rubbers which are majorly used in mid-20th century. Some of the leading pop artists were Roy Lichtenstein who worked with comic books, Wayne Thieved who worked with lots of nostalgic and humorous contents, Andy Warhol who was the main representative of pop art apart from being a filmmaker.The ironic comic was considered as the main feature of pop art which had used illustrations, comic, and advertising as the main inspiration for these artists.

Following are the main features of pop art
  1. The main subject is removed from original context-Pop artist remove main elements from its original context by replacing it with some social commentary twists on it.
  2. Variouscolour – One of the primary eye-catching features of pop art is its use of different colours shades in advertising and popular culture.
  3. Humour is the key ingredient-Pop artist uses humor in all of their masterpiece works by recreating artworks in their own way.
  4. Daily life as an inspiration for them- Pop artist take inspirations from day to day activities either from popular recognisable tv shows, product, advertisements, trends, movie or even a person.

At C-Design, our experienced staff members help us to shape brands, expand user experience and connect our users with efficient and effective products and services. We design pop arts based on concepts, ideas, or expressions for advertising materials, consumer goods, books, and newspaper

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