Monday 22 April 2019

Significance of Augmented reality in the real estate industry - 3D Model Outsourcing

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Importance of AR and VR increases when it’s about imparting training or learning new skills efficiently in any classroom-based programmes. Not only learning skills but an also practical experience increases which boost the confidence level of the learner. Even learner feels secured, confident and safe by repeating, correcting and learning targeted skills during a training session. Different skills like negotiation, public speaking and communication can be easily learned and thus helps the learner to work in different situations and context.

Following mentioned are advantages of this technique:-
1) Feasibility is one such factor which helps the learner in the best possible way and thus makes them more comfortable in order to grasp different verbal training like communication or public speaking. Such training one can achieve even if they practice alone.
2) Experiencing along with learning proves to be a major factor which makes such training more satisfactory because it enhances memory and knowledge factor
3) VR becomes a major element which changes the traditional face to face training to online classes sessions
4) Another factor is all about cost-effectiveness. The cost involved in learning the traditional way of training is much higher as compared to VR headsets that are based on mobile.
5)The learner can learn any topics from the virtual room and can repeat them by practising which is very helpful in getting training for a sales pitch or public speaking.

6) In such type of virtual reality training, headsets play a major role because it reduces distraction and high level of engagements
7) Due to AR and VR training, learners can understand training and practice such skills with diverse business scenarios. This helps them to get prepared in order to face similar situations in their actual workplace. However such situations become impossible to handle while practising in a traditional learning environment.
At C-Design AR and VR have generated new abilities for making and improving customer experiences and it’s helping designers to create the skilful services for future. Ours expertise in designing Virtual Reality Models and Augmented reality models is growing at the pace in line amongst leading brands in the world. With more than a decade of experience, our proficient team is well equipped to undertake any complex Immersive multimedia project on behalf of our esteemed client. Immersive multimedia or better known as Computer – simulated reality or still better known today as Virtual reality is a digital technology replicating a real or even imagined or simulated environment primarily for the purpose of user interaction and engagement

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Tuesday 16 April 2019

Significance of Augmented reality in the real estate industry - 3D Model Outsourcing

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Augmented reality is a buzz words nowadays almost all industries across and thus real estate seems to be one of such sector. Right from reviving their printing catalogues to interact demonstrations on their mobile screens during installations.AR in the real estate sector is providing serious business opportunities for all talented and potential manpower. Because of AR, customers are benefited in different ways like clients becomes a more productive way and agencies perform in a better way if they work with clients having clearer goals and mission.
Following are the major advantages of using augmented reality which helps the real estate industry
1) More customer engagement –One of the biggest advantages of augmented reality is all about been considered as highly engaging and fascinating. Through this technology, targeted audiences can be easily turned into real customers who carry out smooth buying of products and services process.
2) Opens up new marketing option-People are more inclined towards using this latest technology and thus corporate are using their interest level to promote and distribute their products. Through this technology following outcomes can be received like:

A) Better advertising option
B) Geo tags can be created which helps in showing sale option to the real world and thus customers can easily discover themselves through it
C) Contact us and other related button goes animated
D) AR creates big boards and print catalog to be interactive
3) Save resources and time-one of the biggest advantage of augmented reality is about saving time and resources. Real estate clients usually search for different apartments or flats before making a final purchasing decision. It seems to be so time-consuming and costly affair but through augmented reality, everything turned out to be so simple and easier. This client’s exploratory visit decreases drastically because AR catalogs via mobile app make so simple for them to choose real estate sites of their interest level.
4)Products can be explained in better way-Products can be understood in a better way and AR visualization works better as compared to text description with videos or photos. Through AR app, large buildings can be accurately visualized in a form of 3d models. Even apartment or flats can be easily shown to their clients adjusting their style, environment or surroundings acceding to their requirements.
AR applications are differentiated under 3 categories based on their complexity of development: Simple AR makes 3d objects appear on your phone and advanced app have different features like QR code to initiate AR, markers, HQ interactive animation, etc.
Simple AR app- Standard lighting, textures, environment with Google play and app store adaption
Advanced AR app-Basic environment but a high level of lighting and features with high-quality models and QR code for products
At C- Design we always make sure to understand client’s requirements properly and then offer the best possible competitive augmented reality model by using the latest tools and technologies. Our clients always have crystal clear communication with us and proper coordination with them at every developmental stage. Our proficient designers are well competent and capable in their fields and possess necessary tools & methods to design live direct or indirect view of physical, real-world environment.

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Tuesday 9 April 2019


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In today’s scenario, AR and VR have completely changed the meaning of visual communication. And with the help of these latest technologies, now it has become so easy to create a real environment with the help of augmenting our surroundings using smart phones, glasses or phone cameras.

Following are applications where VR and AR can be used:-
1) VR in education-One of the most suitable and interesting sector of virtual reality is in the field of training and education. Researchers have proved that those who learn and gets trains in the VR field, tend to retain more information and for a longer period of time as compared to conventional methods like books and videos. For e.g.: In the construction industry, if the students use VR then their retention capacity increases and they generally score higher in the test. And the same principle applies in the medical field as well as VR helps such professional students to learn live patients in a better way as many time as needed without any distraction.

2) VR and AR as a virtual tour of your future home- The importance of AR and VR is seen in real estate sector as well because, through this technology, customers can not only go for virtual showings but also access VR goggles to walk a home anywhere in the world. Also, augmented reality plays a major role and helps in bringing positive changes in the field of real estate. Visitors can potentially locate their virtual homes within their VR goggle view. Even home shoppers those who are staying at far places can easily view and relocate their homes without leaving ease of their existing homes. Information of nearby schools, cafes, restaurant, shopping centres, can be easily found out or any other type of information can be easily fetched like the year when the home was built, building materials, etc.

3) Workplace communication with VR technology-One of the biggest advantage of using AR and VR is for spreading real-time communication by providing employees and customers virtual environment to test improvement and facility to gain real-time information. Like augmented reality is like business first with applications in manufacturing, training and field services. And virtual reality is like consumer first with applications in movies, games, events. Thus both such technology adds to become a finer tool for tomorrow’s virtual proficient. Another example: imagine people sitting in a different part of the globe still sitting close to each other in the virtual room. Not only these technologies are considered consumer responsive and reasonable but also power lies in what we communicate and collaborate through them.

4) Virtual reality in courtroom-In the earlier times, lawyers were using wipe boards and photographs for showing proofs or mechanism of the accidents. But with VR it has now become quite easy for involving decision makers directly into the scene. For e.g.: one can make judges feel about real accidents impact and thus can directly involve them in the decisions making process.

At C-Design we always make sure to understand client’s requirements properly and then offer the best possible competitive augmented reality model by using the latest tools and technologies. Our clients always have crystal clear communication with us and proper synchronisation with them at every developmental stage. Our proficient designers are well qualified and proficient in their fields and possess necessary tools & techniques to design live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by system-generated sensors.

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Tuesday 2 April 2019


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Nowadays VR AND AR are the buzzwords which are heard quite often. With the help of advanced technologies and ease of their accessibility is making it possible for corporate to experience them in their marketing campaigns. The word VR virtual reality is all about giving users different feel in other dimensions or world. In this type of technology, the user himself got immersed in the new virtual 360-degree situation to stimulate the experiences. However, AR augmented reality is all about placing content into the real world like the world-famous game of Pokémon Go. In this, people are allowed to add digital components into their real surroundings. The major tools used in this technology are a unidirectional treadmill, special headsets, and gloves which excites our senses in order to create a false impression of the reality.
Following are certain benefits corporate are receiving from VR:-
1)            Comes out as industry leaders-Through VR technology, users are getting more unique life-like experience and thus corporate can connect in a better way with them. It’s unlike social media platforms, print or TV ads where your brands are getting interactive but instead its platform where you can decide what to see without anybody’s interference.
2)            Brands can make difference their business –Because of VR, users usually feel stickier with the content and thus spends their major time in accessing this technology without ever leaving their website. The more they stay on your website then more interaction happens with your services and products in a single click.
3)            Best way to show off your business-Any business which deals with bricks and mortar location should be involving virtual reality tour in order to increase customer engagement and build a strong brand. So that customer can feel different experience with your brand as compared to other digital media format.

4)            Maintain better customer relationship-Through VR, better customer interaction takes place with a deeper sense of loyalty in your business. Even business are able to develop their own experiences and products which reaches large scale of targeted audiences .It’s advisable to become early adopter of this technology and increase scope of your business because what was considered fiction earlier becomes feasible marketing option now.
5)            Customers can try before they purchase-It becomes quite helpful for the customers to interact with the products before buying them and even they can see them from different angles. In research and development phase, products can be easily tested and customers can also easily connect themselves in virtual form.
6)            Content marketing gets enhanced-One of the best way to use virtual reality in business is through content marketing where one can showcase their products and enhance their business stories and campaigns. The content part gets becomes a revolutionary engaging experience for targeted audiences right from your VR headset or your browser.
Our expertise in designing Virtual Reality Models is growing at the pace in line amongst leading brands in the world. At C-Design with more than a decade of experience, our proficient team is well equipped to undertake any complex Immersive multimedia project on behalf of our esteemed client. Immersive multimedia or better known as Computer – simulated reality or still better known today as Virtual reality is a digital technology replicating a real or even imagined or simulated environment chiefly for the idea of user interaction and engagement.

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