Friday 25 October 2019

Building Information Modeling – BIM Software Overview: Autodesk BIM 360

As the most preferred partner for outsource architectural services and outsource CAD services, most of our esteemed global clients in building, construction, architecture and infrastructure development industry look upon us as the neutral advocate for industry trends specifically when it comes to technology in use. We at strongly feel that when it comes to technology all the leading software in the market has its own set of merits and demerits. Under this series we‘ll share our observations and understanding of some of the most extensively used Building Information Modeling – BIM software.
With an objective to bring teams like Design, Construction and Projects on the same page and ensure the redundant delays are reduces to bear minimum levels, under the banner of Autodesk – BIM 360 was launched. Primarily it’s a cloud based web service accessible to the team members any time / place i.e. not dependent on either time or place, only needed is a good network (Internet) connectivity to access the cloud server.

The robust information architecture of Autodesk BIM 360 is capable of managing the entire project’s lifecycle. Some of the key features of Autodesk BIM 360 includes change visualization, a work sharing environment which is also controlled as per the pre-define systems in place, reviews of designs, coordination of deliverables, checklists for safety program, request for information and many more.

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Thursday 17 October 2019

Building Information Modeling – BIM Software Overview: Revit - Outsource 3D Modeling

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One of the most extensively used Building Information Modeling – BIM software we have come across is Revit. In face majority of our leading global clients like Builders, Developers, Architects, Contractors for our outsource architectural service and outsource CAD services ask us to work on Revit Modeling software itself for their Building Information Modeling requirements.
From the house of CAD giant Autodesk, one could look upon Revit as one of the most popular and extensively used Building Information Modeling BIM software package primarily used for structural and Architectural Design, Construction and MEP engineering. Revit BIM package offers a very clear and easy to use model lead methodology for planning, designing and constructing buildings and infrastructural projects under a robust system architecture.

One of the most promising feature of this single system process flow architecture is the minimising the risk of errors caused due to miscommunication between the team. In order to avoid amendments and rattles amongst the team members about any model the Revit BIM package offers a feature of multiple contributors for a particular project in work.
As the part of our outsource architectural services and outsource CAD services we very extensively work on Revit Modeling software on behalf of our esteemed clients across the globe like Builders, Developers, Contractors, Architects and Developers.

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Wednesday 2 October 2019

Building Information Modeling – BIM adoption in United Kingdom

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As a leading service provider for architectural services it’s our constant endeavour to study and keep track of changing government policies for any new technology adoption. Building Information Modeling or BIM is one such technology which is been well received and adapted by not only the governance in the first world countries but also the followers in the line.
As per our esteemed clientele of Builders, Developers and Architects for outsourced architectural services in United Kingdom (UK) we understood that the formal adoption of BIM started somewhere around mid-2011 when Mr. Paul Morrell – UK Government’s Chief Construction Adviser initiated the adoption of BIM in UK’s government construction projects. As one of the key initiatives during the same period of mid-2011, the government of UK took a bold stand and announced its intention to collaborate all the asset information and data about all of its projects in 3D BIM format by 2016. A formal government body named The UK Government BIM Task Group was conceptualised and came in existence to lead the government’s BIM program.

With an objective to centralise the BIM Level 2 reference points for the industry, during mid 2016 UK Government announced a new central web portal; This was the time when the initially formed BIM Task Group got aligned under the guidelines of Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB), which was launched during 2018 and was followed by an announcement during late 2017.

Over and above government initiatives, our architectural services clients and leading industry players like Developers, Builders, Contractors and Architects came together to form UK BIM Alliance during the year 2016. The key objective of this alliance was to champion the technology and to ensure seamless enactment of BIM level 2 by 2020. The body formed also represents the industry players and the individuals determined to achieve goal of UK’s digital transformation of Built environment industry.

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