Monday 5 June 2017


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When comes matter of your pet Modeling you  tend to become more cautious as pet are most loving and tiny members in our family and having photography with them is itself very fun part. But there are some important tips which we need to take care of like

Hire agencies:– having agency which can help in shooting pet as model ,will definitely  increase pet shot at stardom. For that agency should be reached for it

Use light naturally – Do photo-shoot of your pet in natural lightening .Never use flash as it not only causes red eye but also can make your pet totally scared

Keep focus on eye:-Make your pets’ eye sharp as their eyes are very much expressive and speaks on their own. So keep sharp eye which is important in portrait photography.

Keep respect to their character-You know your pet much better as compare to others and revealing their true side is very much important. Those photographs can be considered as successful those reveal their characters of its subject. for e.g. if your pet love picking up ball, try to catch him in action performing his favourites trick.


Be patient:-Try to have photography keep yourself in total patience. That will increase your opportunity of getting decent shot.

Schedule your session: – If you are looking for dynamic shot,look when your pet in most energetic mood ,While when your pet is in lazy mood or sleepy mood try to have long stretched portrait shots. And if your pet is sick, postpone his photo-shoot

Surprise your pet– Most difficult aspects comes when you want to keep your pet still which is impossible .Let someone plays a whistle or call him that way it will be surprise for him and then try to catch his natural shots while playing.Put on that long lens and fill the frame with your pet’s face and fur, close up shots often make beautiful animal portrait.

Reach them– Pet model photo shoot will be considered as good enough when we try to go near and get them clicked without forcing. Let have pet modeling and sit on the floor or lie on your belly and remember to shoot from his eye level or below.


Outsource 3d modeling for more visit

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