Wednesday 30 January 2019


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When you want to make a change in your designs then recreating the images, heading or changing typeface would be the most suitable way to create it. Nowadays designers are going for less elaborate typeface and fusing them with cutouts, color gradient, bold colors so as to make letters stand out among others. In order to make changes in designs, one needs interesting and new typography.
Following mentioned are the latest typography trends nowadays:-
Typography gets animated-One of the biggest trends in design is all about animations and the same applies to typography. As such effects lead to more enriched and interactive user experience like letters affected by shifts moves or get impacted by float state. Whenever it’s about animating text, speed plays a crucial role as if text moves at a faster speed then it becomes inconvenient for users to get the whole message completely. However, if it moves slowly then the user may lose interest in reading overall contents and may skip to read them. That’s why the best animation starts with lettering where users can easily understand the whole concept. This is followed by animation effects which come into action after a user interaction or little delay
Colorful fonts –Colors plays a crucial role in the design field and have exploded up all over the place. Color font plays important role in grabbing user’s attention and when a project demands more fun or to bring focus on a specific word. Colors add an additional notice in users mind or if we want to show more prominence on the words in color. Nowadays designer is using more of colors typography with minimal styles like bright colors. For e.g.:- Red color is the one which very well helps in developing brand identity, or spreading any special messages.
Cutouts and overlays-Both of these techniques have a larger impact on the designs and can create visual interest in their users. Cutouts and overlays imply to those text elements who have no color fills and it works finest with fewer words, display interface, and large lettering. Even overlays works best with video, backgrounds, and pictures.

Layering with other subjects-Its believed that text and other elements should never be mixed but in this design techniques, designers are mixing both text and other essentials to overlap. Such type of practice came from print design which is not only famous but also easy to implement which can create a dazzling display. For eg: When texts are mingled with color, boxed images etc. But always ensure that the right image must be selected and every single letter should be readable with convenience.
Use of gradients-Even though it’s considered as a most undervalued design technique, if used carefully then it helps in putting visual scheme than a single color.Gradients are known for their modern and fresh feel effects which can be applied to the minimal design of the page. It not only puts emphasis at the right place but also considered as to read and understand when gradients are used in scroll button.
At C-Design we create custom font design and want our clients to make full use of it in the most profitable and productive way with exact specification and competitive prices across the world. Also if you need a change in existing typeface or want small font project –we help you in determining the typographic color with specific tone balance which generates a long lasting effect for your business cards, brochures, and websites.  

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  2. Great points there, thanks. And here is another relevant article, maybe someone will find it useful too
