Tuesday 5 March 2019


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As the term suggests Web design is all about making a website which includes different aspects like graphic design, content development, and website layout. The success of web design depends on its online presence because websites become a business barrier if not developed properly. Impressive user interface helps in creating better conversion rate and ultimately helps to make profitable business and revenue. Following are past trends which should never be included in your design:-
1) Thin typography-One of the famous example is about Apple where they used condensed and thin typeface in their OS. They scaled back because of the readability factor, and it gets started popping up everywhere. Thin typography makes it time-consuming and difficult to read. And that’s why companies are moving towards larger typeface which makes overall design look easy to read and text seems little larger without a full makeover.
2) Heavily loaded video-This trend of heavy videos, not longer exist as it doesn’t give a positive response to all many users with a lesser internet connection. Apart from it, other issues like technical glitches in loading, higher loading times and many times video content is not view able on other mobile devices. Such issues reduce the user’s interest and engaging time with the video content portion. That’s why corporations are moving towards lightweight video on their homepage which gives users the liberty to explore engaging video content experience.

3) Everything Vintage-In such type of design, certain issues like rough overlays on images, color palate were muted, backgrounds were highly textured, creates readability issues. Thus because of so many reasons it created lesser attention span for the targeted audiences and messages were not communicated properly to them. Vintage looks, textures and color impacts website designs and its readability aspect.
4) Use of too many images in hero image slider-Its gets quite easy for the users to easily get deviated from the website design part if one fails to have engaging content material. Too many messages into a single website location may get overwhelmed. One can never predict what interest users and that’s why auto play slider many times loses the user’s attention. Instead, go for cool animation and interesting videos or photos so as to increase the user’s engagement rate.
At C-Design e craft design on basic marketing, principles ensuring your company achieves the desired business goals. We believe to integrate the client’s vision of design with our creativity so that proper branding process forms through graphics. This will create long-lasting brand impression among target audiences on different platforms whether it’s in print or web.
Why C-Design
• Highly creative and customised solutions
• Graphics on both 2D and 3D platforms
• Low cost and innovative design solutions

Outsource 3d modeling for more visit http://www.outsource3dmodeling.com

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