Tuesday 18 April 2023

GLTF, USDZ, and GLB 3D File Formats in 3D Modeling


File Formats in 3D Modeling

3D modeling is a rapidly growing field that allows us to create intricate and complex models of objects and environments for various industries. To create a 3D model, the first step is to choose a file format that can store the model’s data. In this article, we will be discussing the GLTF, USDZ, and GLB file formats and their importance in 3D modeling.

What are GLTF, USDZ, and GLB file formats?


GL Transmission Format (GLTF) is a file format used to store 3D models that was created by the Khronos Group. It was designed to be a lightweight format that can be easily loaded and rendered by web browsers and 3D engines. The GLTF format uses JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) to describe the model’s structure and stores the model’s geometry, materials, textures, and animations in binary format.


Universal Scene Description (USD) is a file format developed by Pixar Animation Studios to store and exchange 3D data between different 3D applications. USDZ is a variant of the USD format that is specifically designed for AR (Augmented Reality) content creation. USDZ files can contain 3D models, animations, and textures, and can be easily integrated into AR applications on iOS devices.


GLB is a binary file format that is used to store 3D models in the GLTF format. GLB files contain all the data needed to render a 3D model, including geometry, materials, textures, and animations, in a single file. This makes it easy to transfer and load 3D models across different platforms.


Advantages of GLTF, USDZ, and GLB file formats


One of the main advantages of the GLTF format is its small file size. GLTF files are typically much smaller than other 3D file formats like FBX and OBJ, making them ideal for use on the web and in mobile applications. GLTF files can also be easily compressed to reduce their size further without losing any data.

GLTF files also support PBR (Physically Based Rendering), which allows 3D models to be rendered with accurate lighting and materials. This makes it possible to create realistic-looking 3D models with the GLTF format.


USDZ files are designed specifically for use in AR applications, which makes them ideal for creating interactive and immersive experiences. USDZ files can be easily integrated into ARKit, Apple’s AR framework for iOS devices, making it easy to create AR experiences for iPhone and iPad users.

USDZ files also support animation, which makes it possible to create interactive and dynamic AR experiences. This allows designers and developers to create engaging AR content that can be used for marketing, education, and entertainment purposes.


GLB files are a self-contained format that makes it easy to transfer and load 3D models across different platforms. GLB files contain all the data needed to render a 3D model, which makes them ideal for use on the web and in mobile applications.

GLB files can also be easily compressed, which makes it possible to reduce their size without losing any data. This makes it possible to create high-quality 3D content that can be easily distributed and viewed on a wide range of devices.

GLTF, USDZ, and GLB are three file formats that have gained popularity in the 3D modeling industry due to their efficiency, portability, and versatility. In this article, we will discuss the various applications of these file formats.


Applications of GLTF

Web and Mobile Applications

GLTF’s small file size and support for PBR rendering make it ideal for use on the web and in mobile applications. With the rise of WebGL and the increasing popularity of mobile devices, GLTF has become a popular format for 3D content on these platforms.


GLTF has also gained popularity in the gaming industry due to its efficiency and support for animations. It is used in popular gaming engines like Unity and Unreal Engine and can be easily integrated into game development workflows.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

GLTF’s support for PBR rendering and animations also makes it ideal for use in virtual and augmented reality applications. GLTF models can be easily integrated into AR and VR applications to create immersive experiences for users.


Applications of USDZ

Augmented Reality

USDZ was specifically designed for AR content creation and is used extensively in ARKit, Apple’s AR framework for iOS devices. USDZ models can be easily integrated into AR applications to create interactive and immersive experiences for users.


USDZ has also gained popularity in e-commerce applications, where it is used to showcase products in 3D. This allows users to view products from all angles and get a better idea of their size and features before making a purchase.

Applications of GLB

Web and Mobile Applications

GLB’s self-contained format makes it ideal for use on the web and in mobile applications. GLB files can be easily transferred and loaded across different platforms, making it a popular format for 3D content on the web and mobile devices.

3D Printing

GLB is also used in 3D printing applications due to its ability to store all the data needed to render a 3D model. This makes it easy to transfer 3D models to 3D printing software and hardware for printing.


In conclusion, GLTF, USDZ, and GLB are three file formats that are widely used in 3D modeling. GLTF is a lightweight format that is ideal for use on the web and in mobile applications, while USDZ is specifically designed for AR content creation. GLTF is ideal for use on the web, in mobile applications, gaming, and VR/AR, while USDZ is specifically designed for AR content creation and e-commerce applications. GLB is ideal for use on the web, in mobile applications, and 3D printing. With the increasing popularity of 3D modeling and the rise of new technologies, these file formats are likely to become even more prevalent in the future.

Outsourcing 3D modeling services

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