Friday 28 October 2016

3D Printing for Cosplay – an emerging trend - Outsource 3D Printing - Outsource 3D Modeling

Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.

One of the latest emerging trends we are observing shaping up and taking Western world with storm is the increasing number Cosplay events and summits. Right from Optimus Prime in Transformers to series of characters in Power Rangers to GiJoes and others we have been approached by number of our clients to get 3d model prepared and 3d printing done as the part of our 3d modeling services for their upcoming cosplay summits & events, this time being New York Comic Con 2016. So in this article we thought of helping you prepare for your next cosplay event or summit.
To begin with the first step is to set your context both physically and conceptually; there are two prime contexts one is all about the character and second is regarding the event / summit itself, so as experts in 3d modeling and 3d printing we suggest to keep your answers handy to the questions on Convention / event like: where is the venue & what weather conditions would be there? How are you planning to reach the venue and will there be an outdoor shoots involved? & finally what’s going to be the overall duration of the event?
The next set of answers on your model design you should be handy with is: Is your character an action character with damaged or dirtied clothing? Is your character of a high status & what materials would they be wearing? Also what are the key highlighting features of your character’s getup? Though as we move ahead with designing 3d models and character getups there would be number of changes in your answers to all the above questions but idea of keeping these questions in the first place is to get the context set for further updating and modifications.


One of the suggestion we give to our clients is to behave like the character itself, observe the character details like the way it moves, talks, reacts, fights, run etc. Method acting is the best way to grab eye balls over and above the character outlook during such cosplay conventions and events. We suggest clients to watch character movies, play games, read books and above all see other cosplayers’ interpretations. 3D printing cosplay is all about the character outlook; combine it with the character nature to get the perfect character replica during your cosplay event.
As the team of designers we recommend our clients to actually go to the drawing board and draw the character as per their visualization, no matter how bad you draw your character the practice itself will make you realize number of highlighting and low lighting aspects about the character you have chosen; also it would help you realize your own anatomy and scale before moving ahead with the actual scaling of your 3d print model. In fact the practicality of working on the drawing board will encourage you to visualize & understand your character in much depth.


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Wednesday 26 October 2016

Jewelry Prototyping in 3D Modeling and 3D Printing - 3D MODEL OUTSOURCING - OUTSOURCE 3D MODELING

Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.


One of the behavior we designers exhibit number of times is that as an idea appears or clicks in mind we straight away hop to the drawing board and start shaping up to see what comes to life. Though, the initial design undergoes number of reworking and fine tuning before getting presented or represented. Similar series of iterations happens when it comes to development and presentation of Jewelry designs. Specifically in jewelry design working, apart from the uniqueness the features playing critical role includes the scale and personal aesthetics; hence prototyping of designs become one of the critical factors for jewelry. In our more than a decade of experience in 3d modeling services and 3d printing services we had been retained by number of jewelry designers to not only get their 3d model ready but also 3d printing of their designs specifically prototypes to present.

One of the areas where we undertake such 3d modeling service on behalf of jewelry designer is when they work on creating a jewelry design with custom size of stone settings, primarily to ensure that the stone/s will fit correctly for final iteration. We suggest to prototype jewelry design right from the early design stage itself. By printing in low cost material and evaluating the scale & fit of the product, jewelers can save a lot from returns and extra overheads also once the prototype is approved jewelers can move to high cost precious metals.


Next comes the most critical part, once your 3d model is ready the question arises for 3d printing what material should be used? What material to be used for prototyping? Though we know that the final design will be printed in a cast metal or steel one should refrain from using the same for initial prototyping for longer lead time and cost involved. We recommend designers to go with frosted ultra-detail or strong and flexible as these materials present a good option for quick turn around and a fair understanding of the overall look. For designers intending to print their final model in a cast metal, Frosted Ultra Detail offers a promising clean and high detail finish. On the other hand for low cost and higher turnaround design one can go with Strong and Flexible material as a prototyping option. Once initial prototypes are done and approved with changes and you are ready with your final design in place we recommend going with a final prototype created with beautifully polished or unpolished cast metal such as brass or bronze.


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Sunday 23 October 2016

Get started with 3D Modeling (Movie or Game) - 3d model outsourcing - 3d modeling India

Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.


It’s been more than a decade now we have been playing a critical role in catering to the aggressive demand for 3d modeling service from our esteemed clients on daily basis. Most of the time we have observed that clients approach us with unclear picture in mind though we take them though series of discussions to ensure they are fully satisfied with our work and our much experienced team of 3d modelers are able to deliver the job precisely as per their requirements. So we thought of putting these initial points in this article for our valued clients to get started with 3d modeling service specifically for Movie & Game modeling. The very obvious and the foremost question is to understand what exactly the client is looking out for or more precisely what is the kind of 3d modeling work client expect us to be completed; it may range from:3d movie or a TV show, 3d game, 3d character animation, 3d product design or creating a visual effect.
Let’s start with 3d modeling service for movie or TV show production. The overall process of making an animated movie could be lengthy; it may range from 3 months to over a year depending on the type of work which needs to be executed. The first initiating for this process is to conceptualize the story line and pen the overall environment conceptually in which the characters ‘ll be interacting. Once we are ready with the storyline, character and theme conceptualization the work of 3d modeling designer starts; by visualizing and creating 3d world in line with the storyboard. Designers undertake the 3d modeling activities such as creating the 3d models & subjects, texturing, animation and rendering the entire virtual 3d world.


Next in line comes the 3d game, unlike a movie which goes in a series from start to finish, a game is much more interactive in nature with higher level of user engagement which means compared to movies lot more goes in to make a 3d game. Thought there’s lot more to do in creating an interactive game environment as compared to a movie; with the perspective to 3d discipline the workflow remains same for both movie and the game.

For a game environment an animated 3d model not only needs to look good but also has to work and interact well in the game engine i.e. 3d character should not only be looking good but also be able to work well. Just like we saw in movie, a game asset needs to be modeled in 3D game environment also. Usually it the 2D concept which is being exported to 3D modeling tools to build 3d model. One of the prime limitations a game model has is the restriction on how much resolution the models can have as the game need to be able to run smoothly on either computer of console. For the same reason during texturing process lot of details is faked. Models once starts looking good they are rigged before adding the motions and finally number of animations created for a model like walking, running, moving, turning, bending etc.


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Thursday 20 October 2016

Ways to create 3D Character - Outsource 3D modeling - 3D model outsourcing

Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.

Since 2005 as the part of our 3d modeling outsource service we have been contacted by number of storytellers and writers to visualize and give shape to their lead characters. We strongly believe as an expert team of 3D Character Modelers our role is not restricted to merely giving shapes (3d design) to these artist’s thoughts but goes beyond in visualizing how these characters are going to interact with their surrounding including each other. In this article we present some tips to create these 3d character models. As we initially pointed out its important to understand and visualize how is the subjected 3d character going to act and react at as a 3d model i.e. most important is to keep margins for the expressions and body language. A shy character could also behave outspoken a times and an outspoken character may behave introverted.


Visualize and look upon your character as a human being, i.e. how a human would behave in certain situation and the kind of conflicting behaviors he/she would exhibit. Give your 3D character that sense of conflicting behavior for example in your 3D model aims to fly high and has high dreams and aspirations at the same time you need to present a little confused state with some doubts in your character’s mind (similar to the behavior exhibited by any human) One of the best features we recommend is to use the background color, scheme and layout as an add-on expression of your 3d model inner feelings also the physical appearance of your character would play the most important role apart from 3d character’s expressions. Under our 3d modeling service we make sure the character is not only able to express itself but also we ensure that the character is behaving and interacting in lines with the artist’s experiences.

A 3d character struggling with depression may exhibit signs of weight loss, untidy hair or fatigue on the other hand a happy 3d model would have a sparkle in its wide open eyes and an open body language. Finally in our 3d modeling service we encourage artists to draw their life experiences i.e. keeping themselves in the place of character before drawing it to make sure our 3d character is exhibiting similar behavior.


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Tuesday 18 October 2016

Creating a 3D Model for a Sci-fi scene - 3D Model Outsourcing - Outsource 3D Modeling

Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.


In our more than a decade of experience we came across number of 3D Modeling work as the part of our 3D Modeling services where clients shared their bad experience with past design partners when it comes to designing a 3D sci-fi scene. We have an extensive array of successfully completed 3D modeling projects for sci-fi scenes. We understand and fully agree that the complexity of subject, models and textures involve in a sci-fi scene is on a much higher level but as per our experience and expertise we list some of the smart ways to achieve the same with an ease.

The first step in modeling 3D sci-fi scene is to initiate the work by hunting the most relevant reference as per the visualization of the image in your mind. For ease of understanding let’s visualize the scene from Independence Day movie else use the royalty free images from either Google or you can find some good collection in and The next step would be to create the asset models. Again visualizing our Independence day scene you can model the buildings i.e. following a simple technique of hand painting a few displacement maps of single buildings with Photoshop and convert them into brushes would allow you to paint displacement maps for the entire city blocks within sometime. We shall be adding topology and other details later.


Next step is the texture and shade the created models as per the workflow that is map, shade, alter and randomly distribute textures with Blender’s powerful node system also compilation of light texture atlases follow the same approach of diffusing textures of the buildings in your scene. In general mapping is also undertaken in the same manner except blocking the textures on faces, which point upwards to avoid having lights on the roof.
As we are ready with our 3D model texture shading modeling and scaling UVs the most exciting phase begins i.e. developing the 3D concept or conceptualizing the entire scene.

We suggest bundling all the buildings into separate groups that feed particle systems. It will enable a designer to shuffle through randomly generated town layout to select the best suitable arrangement. The next phase is composition, which we feel becomes much straight forward in nature with rendered passes. We usually work from background to foreground. For example sky would set the overall theme for the project we are visualizing i.e. Independence Day mother ship also with Z- depth pass we are able to provide a nice atmosphere to the image.

Finally the phase which we skipped that is adding the details to our composition to finalize the scene, we believe while undertaking 3D modeling work one should be ready with visualization & creation of scene before adding details, by that the entire flow as well as adding details part becomes much more simpler.


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Friday 14 October 2016

Review of Latest 3D Model and 3D Print Tools - Outsource 3D Modeling - 3D Model Outsourcing

Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.


Since 2005 we have been catering to number of Industries and Brands for their creative designs related needs, during our more than a decade of experience we have seen number of trends shaping up designs industry. As an expert team of designers, architects and engineers, under this article we review some of the recently launched designing platforms &tools in the market.

To initiate the lists let’s start with the upgrade of Cinema 4D, the recently upgraded R18 version of Cinema 4D have been a submissive reactions as the new features are taking its own sweet time to settle into designer’s workflow. As a monograph module it’s deeply integrated which enables users to break apart meshes, including parametric, with endless control & variation. Yet another fun feature is notable additions & re-working on knife tool with great interface enhancements.


Next in our list is 3D Scan a platform where designers are able to scan objects directly. Though we are in an industry where designers can’t escape generating meshes, as a trend we have seen number of ways to accomplish this task traditionally using polygon modeling techniques, through NURBS following high resolution sculpting and now scanning the objects directly. Though the setup and the scanning apparatus is still expensive but we see cost coming down comparatively.

Despite of series of trends shaping the game industry & numerous developments happening on software front still one of the challenges faced by this industry had been replicating hair and fur. Neoglypic have come up with a full-on fuzzy surfaces plugin for Unity, we have experienced some great results using this tool as it also support LODs, ambient occlusion and self-shadowing. Good News for the designers using painting for textures, Corel is coming up with Painter 2017 with some really awesome features to be offered to the painting fans who work on more natural and organic textures as compared to standard material system.


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Wednesday 12 October 2016

Create Stunning 3D Render by Capturing the Moment - Outsource 3D Modeling - 3D Model outsourcing

Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.


As a leading designs industry player we have worked on number of projects where, our expert team of designers and modelers are able to visualize and capture the moment of a dynamic subject in a stunning 3D Model very successfully. In this article we present some tips from our more than a decade of experience in 3D Model and 3D Print design for capturing a dynamic moment and shaping it in a 3D Model. We are taking example of a fast paced car model created in 3ds max along with textures being created in Photoshop and in some cases painted onto 3D Model using Mudbox for this article. 

For the budding designers we would like to keep it really simple, so we suggest to pull-in some good images of fast car from the internet and get started with modeling the same in 3ds Max. It’s better to add-in as much details as possible in the model itself as compared to detailing with Bump or Displacement maps by this one can ensure realistic appearance and time saving post-production. Although in your final scene the entire car won’t be showcased but we suggest modeling the full car to enable real-life reflections and shadows.

Next is to create complex texture for our 3D Model in Mental ray; to get initiated unwrap UVW Modifier in 3ds Max. One of the critical point to keep in mind while creating UVW maps for a fast paced car is the note then details in terms of body lines to ensure a less pixelated result, also one suggestion would be to export various parts of the model into Mudbox and paint textures directly onto the model.

Once we are ready with our 3D Model and its texture the next part is to setup the scene. As we wish to showcase the subject in speeding motion the right front wheel has a forward rotation and the left wheel has little rotation; also with the wheels set its important to adjust the Driver’s position in our 3D Model. This can be done by referring to your reference material or visualizing the position of driver at any given point of time with reference to wheels and the overall model. Once the wheels and driver are set the next task is to give the feel of speed to our subject there is number of ways to give that feel, the most preferred one being a smoky effect from the tyresitself. We suggest designers to spend some time trying to present smoky feel from tyres by using FumeFX plug-in.

Yet another point to be highlighted here is on setting the camera parameters, with proper angle and parameters in place one can really make the scene stand out. We suggest using the perspective, dolly and roll cameras as a simple way to make it look more dynamic and add action to a scene also by selecting the camera you can quickly check how the overall scene looks.

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