Sunday 23 October 2016

Get started with 3D Modeling (Movie or Game) - 3d model outsourcing - 3d modeling India

Leading Outsourcing company c-design provides OUTSOURCE CREATIVE SERVICES IN  Outsource 3d Modeling,3d Models, Modeling Services,3d Modeling Services in India. outsourcing 3d modeling works.


It’s been more than a decade now we have been playing a critical role in catering to the aggressive demand for 3d modeling service from our esteemed clients on daily basis. Most of the time we have observed that clients approach us with unclear picture in mind though we take them though series of discussions to ensure they are fully satisfied with our work and our much experienced team of 3d modelers are able to deliver the job precisely as per their requirements. So we thought of putting these initial points in this article for our valued clients to get started with 3d modeling service specifically for Movie & Game modeling. The very obvious and the foremost question is to understand what exactly the client is looking out for or more precisely what is the kind of 3d modeling work client expect us to be completed; it may range from:3d movie or a TV show, 3d game, 3d character animation, 3d product design or creating a visual effect.
Let’s start with 3d modeling service for movie or TV show production. The overall process of making an animated movie could be lengthy; it may range from 3 months to over a year depending on the type of work which needs to be executed. The first initiating for this process is to conceptualize the story line and pen the overall environment conceptually in which the characters ‘ll be interacting. Once we are ready with the storyline, character and theme conceptualization the work of 3d modeling designer starts; by visualizing and creating 3d world in line with the storyboard. Designers undertake the 3d modeling activities such as creating the 3d models & subjects, texturing, animation and rendering the entire virtual 3d world.


Next in line comes the 3d game, unlike a movie which goes in a series from start to finish, a game is much more interactive in nature with higher level of user engagement which means compared to movies lot more goes in to make a 3d game. Thought there’s lot more to do in creating an interactive game environment as compared to a movie; with the perspective to 3d discipline the workflow remains same for both movie and the game.

For a game environment an animated 3d model not only needs to look good but also has to work and interact well in the game engine i.e. 3d character should not only be looking good but also be able to work well. Just like we saw in movie, a game asset needs to be modeled in 3D game environment also. Usually it the 2D concept which is being exported to 3D modeling tools to build 3d model. One of the prime limitations a game model has is the restriction on how much resolution the models can have as the game need to be able to run smoothly on either computer of console. For the same reason during texturing process lot of details is faked. Models once starts looking good they are rigged before adding the motions and finally number of animations created for a model like walking, running, moving, turning, bending etc.


Outsource 3d modeling for more visit

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